Just Show Up

One of the most common questions we get at Move goes something like this
Move Functional Fitness
March 9, 2022
Just Show Up

One of the most common questions we get at Move goes something like this …

“How do I get better at {double unders, pushups, deadlifts, running, insert movement or exercise here}?”

The funny part about this question is it usually comes during a workout with that exact movement or exercise in it!

Guess what my response is … “That’s what we’re working on right now!”

I know it sounds kind of snarky, and most people want to punch me after I say it I’m sure, but it’s TRUE nonetheless.

Sometimes you need specific work on specific things to reach specific goals. We know this, and that’s why we start our clients off with a No Sweat Intro. We sit down and do some investigating into your needs as an athlete and determine our best course of action. You tell us what you want/need, and we tell you how we can help you through personal training or group training, mindset and accountability, and nutrition advice. We can then create action steps along the way to help you reach your targets.

In most cases, the action steps include “just showing up”.

What does that mean?

It means JUST SHOW UP and the achieving will take care of itself.

I have a phrase I like to use that came to me during a dream. Yes I’m that guy! It goes, “If you are doing, you are becoming.” You see, I was asking myself how I can become the man that I want to be. This phrase kept popping up and repeating itself, so I thought I would take notice. I determined that it means if you act in the way that you want to be, you will become the person that you are acting like.

Pretty simple really! Doing = Becoming.

You joined our gym or sought out our training because you wanted to achieve something and we showed you that we could help. When you show up, day in and day out, and give your best to you and your coach, you are doing. And it may be down the line, but you are becoming that person who achieves that goal!

Everyday is practice, Everyday is preparation, Everyday is Achievement. They all exist on the same spectrum of your goal. Of course we always have things that we can do to help you get there quicker, but YOU still have to show up and DO THEM.

To book a 30 minute No Sweat Intro with one of our top notch professional Coaches, CLICK HERE.

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